Buy Chateau Cantemerle Wines online from Great Wines Direct.
In the commune of Macau, in the Haut-Médoc appellation of France's Bordeaux wine region, is the winery Château Cantemerle. In the 1855 Official Classification of Bordeaux Wine, the wine produced here was the last estate to be designated as one of the eighteen Cinquièmes Crus (Fifth Growths).
Despite the fact that Château Cantemerle has been included on all maps published since 1855, there was some controversy when it wasn't included on the categorization map displayed at the 1855 Exposition Universelle de Paris.
In light of this disagreement, some publications will indicate Château Cantemerle's entry with an asterisk. Records show that the estate has been around in the Haut-Médoc for a very long time; wine production dates back at least to the 14th century.
The estate was severely impacted by the phylloxera pandemic and downy mildew attacks on the grapevines in the 19th century, which resulted in a production decline of almost 50%.
The estate was purchased by the French insurance company Les Mutuelles d'Assurance du Bâtiment and des Travaux Public at the end of the 20th century.
They have made considerable investments in the Château Cantemerle estate's vines and winemaking facilities.