Renowned for his groundbreaking work with Rhône Varieties on the Central Coast, Randall Grahm is a legendary figure in the California wine industry. His most recent endeavour, titled 'The Language of Yes' aims to capture the spirit of Old World wines by utilising the uniqueness of the vineyards and the sunny disposition of California.
The mediaeval inhabitants of Southern France referred to themselves as having "The Language of Yes" or La Langue d'Oc because of the way they spoke. The goal is to create wines using traditional methods that demonstrate the utmost regard for the integrity of the sources from which they are derived.
The wine is raised with the lightest touch possible, allowing the vines', grapes', wine's, and winemaker's inherent enthusiasm to joyfully emerge and unambiguously declare The Language of Yes.
A deliciously complex Syrah, marked by bright freshness and layers of vivid pepper, black olive, violets and liquorice surrounding the rich, dark fruit