Tanqueray London Dry Gin 70cl NV
Tanqueray London Dry Gin is distilled four times and has the perfect balance of four classic gin botanicals - refreshing juniper, peppery coriander, aromatic angelica and sweet liquorice It is best enjoyed with tonic water, plenty of ice and a wedge of lime, but can be used as a great base for a wide range of cocktails
Tanqueray Ten Gin 100cl 100cl NV
Tanqueray No Ten Gin is distilled four times with Tanqueray's standard gin botanicals of refreshing juniper, peppery coriander, aromatic angelica and sweet liquorice Fresh citrus fruits - limes, oranges and pink grapefruit - are then added with camomile flowers in Tiny Ten, the still from which the liquid gets its name It is best enjoyed with tonic water, plenty of ice and a wedge of pink grapefruit, or with dry vermouth and a twist of pink grapefruit in a perfect martini
Gordons Gordon's Gin 70cl NV
Nose is heavy with pine-laden juniper, with a peppery undertone Coriander lurking on the edges as well, with a slight hint or citrus and a menthol character
Hendrick's Gin 70cl NV
This smooth gin has been brilliantly marketed as a quintessentially British product - Presented in a small victorian apothecary style bottle with a cork stopper, it is infused with the subtle flavours of cucumber and rose petals
Smirnoff Smirnoff Red Label 70cl NV
Since 1864 Smirnoff has travelled from Russia to Poland, Paris to the world, using our multiple column filtration method to make award-winning, smooth-tasting vodka for everyone